Sunday, March 24, 2013

Social Media

Recently I have been thinking about my twitter account, which I haven't really been using much lately. I've had some interesting conversations on there, but for the most part I have found it somewhat frustrating. The 140 character limit makes having deep conversations difficult, it is interesting for sure, but certainly limiting. Furthermore, it seems that if you offend people and enough of them report you it can result in a ban. Someone who was banned (I can't remember who) said the only theists they talked to had posted to the atheism hashtag. This makes me think twice every time I get into a conversation with a theist which defeats one of the big reasons I started twitter in the first place. The other reason of course, is to promote the blog, which I haven't been doing much but I think I'm going to start doing a little more over there from now on.

But then I asked myself why I should stop at twitter? Why not expand to facebook and Google+ as well? As long as I'm making an effort to link my posts to twitter, it should take almost no extra time to also do it in facebook and G+ at the same time, and both of those places seem much more suited to a good conversation than twitter. We'll see how that works in reality, but it certainly seems like it's worth a shot.

While I was thinking about giving people more ways to see my content, youtube popped into my head. I was thinking about putting my podcast into video form and putting them up on youtube. I always thought it would be cool if people listening to the podcast would read along, but figured nobody ever would (hell, I don't follow along when I listen to thomas and the bible). But if I put them on youtube I can have the text on the screen while I'm reading it. Seemed like it was worth a shot. I did Genesis 1 today, and it was a bit of work but doesn't seem like it will be overwhelming. We will see if I wind up sticking with it, but I'm currently optimistic about it.

So anyway, now I need to be friends with people on facebook, put people in circles on G+, and get subscribers on youtube. If you use any of those things please feel free add me. And of course if you aren't following me on twitter that's good too.

Thanks guys


  1. I just recommended a couple Google+ communities for you. I use them a lot for blog ideas.

    I don't use Facebook much for atheism content. It's just a personal site for me.

    1. communities? I'll look into it. Is it basically the G+ version of a hashtag?

    2. No, more of a social network within a social network. If anything, it's like lists in Twitter.

  2. Personally, I haven't been spending much time on Twitter either, it is a pointless exercise, just lots of mindless quotes and "gotcha" statements scrolling by. Even for the people I follow, I don't go and read anything anyone is saying unless it ends up in my mentions. I've pretty much ignored Google+ as well, it never seemed to mean much either and Facebook... the less said about that the better. I honestly started with forums and that's all I really pay attention to these days.

    1. Yeah, I'll have to see how much I like these things. Some days I've liked twitter and some days I've hated it. I figure each place will have it's quirks, and hopefully if I am somewhat familiar with each I can make use of them all differently.

      What forums do you like?

    2. Honestly, it depends on what you're into, there are plenty of diverse forums out there that discuss a little bit of everything, which I tend to prefer, and the ones that are focused on one subject, which I find tend to be a bit dry and boring. IMO, you get more interaction from a wider variety of people on a forum than you do on any of the social media sites.

      But that's just me.

  3. I have found Twitter to be useless and boring. I read that over 80% of the tweets were authors promoting their books...but I don't go there to find something to read. Facebook I only joined to keep up with my Grand-kids.

    I, like Cephus, prefer diverse forums that touch on a number of different topics. If I'm inspired to, I comment, if not, I wait until the next post. I do seek out those that usually post topics of interest to me and I do have a variety.

  4. Interesting. It does make sense that having too much of a laser focus would get dry and boring over time.


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