Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Romans 10

The Message of Salvation to All

Moses wrote that righteousness is based on the law (works), but in Christ righteousness is based on faith. Everyone who believes and calls on the lord will be saved. But how can people believe if they have not heard the story? We should all go out and tell everyone the story of Jesus.

This is interesting, as with much from Romans, this idea was very strong in the church I grew up in. Thinking back to when I was a Christian, I loved this message. Everyone can be saved is a great message, and if you can talk to someone and save them from an eternity of torture of course you should do it.

Looking at it now, I do still like the inclusiveness in this message. The idea that certain people are not eligible for your religion because they are not in a special group sounds bad to me, and this is the opposite of that. 

On the other hand, everyone being eligible to join is only important because the flip side is so terrible. If not being part of the religion isn't to spend eternity getting tortured, would it even matter if you can't get in? Along that train of thought, the whole idea of salvation is interesting, what are we being saved from? I've heard Christianity described as giving you the disease only to give you the cure, the good part of this message seemed to be tainted by that.

The other part of this is the 'go tell everyone' thing. I guess it makes sense. If you really believe the story the right thing to do is to spend as much time as possible telling it to anyone who hasn't heard it isn't it? That's not to say you should proselytize every minute, if someone is not interested you accomplish nothing by badgering them. But if they haven't heard the story or if you think you can convince them of it you should try right? I've gone through periods of time when I was really against this kind of thing, but I think that was born out of anger more than anything.


  1. I never liked the thought that Hitler could get into heaven if he had a change of heart on his deathbed. I'm all for forgiveness, but the Eastern religions use of karma seems more fair to me.

    1. That's a really good point. I wouldn't be surprised if the real purpose of hell was so that we would know that people who do really bad things will eventually get justice.

      Although, as you point out, they way they set up their system it doesn't really work. If Hitler can repent at the last second it throws the one purpose of hell right out the window.

  2. When I was Catholic, I liked this idea of everyone being able to be saved. Preaching to others wasn't really stressed in my church. I felt more wonder at why people didn't open their hearts to God.

    Is it just me, or is Paul's misquote of Deut 30:14 seem to try to change the context to his message. Comparison here. In the former, under the full context, it seems like the author refers to god's law and following it. In Romans, it appears as though Paul is leaving off the last part in order to justify his "salvation through faith" doctrine in verse 9. "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;"

    There also appears to be a conflict in verse 18 with earlier stuff. In Romans, it sounds like Paul is saying that the gospel has been preached to the whole world, but then in Matthew Jesus said that he would be back before the gospel was preached to all of Israel. Does that mean that Jesus was a false prophet?

    1. Really interesting with the Deuteronomy thing. You make a good point.

      For the Romans Matthew thing, what does it mean "when the son of man comes"? Perhaps it is referring to the death of Jesus. So at the time of Jesus' death everyone hadn't heard the word of God, but by the time Paul is writing this letter to the Romans everyone has. Best I can come up with :)


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